
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Want to be the talk of the town?

I am a Press Release. Every day, I travel across millions of computer screens and millions of people. I’m written, re-written, edited, read, re-read, filed away and if I’m lucky, stored on a computer.  Many a times, I’m discarded or recycled right after I knock someone's door. It is brutal when I’m thrown away without even being read but I blame the writer more so than the reader when that happens.

Most people think I’ve no soul, no feelings, no desires and absolutely no quality to win gracious looks. Wish I could tell them how wrong they are. Just a little grooming and I could be the centre of attraction at an early morning editorial meeting! 

The other day, there were at least half a dozen people scribbling all over me, correcting some mistakes and arguing about my content.  I like it. Attention is always good; and especially, when attention wins media interest. Let me tell you- all this fussing over me is never a waste of time. If I’m well done, I win a lot of attention and that means my contents will be all over the place- internet, television, radio, newspapers, magazine. Everyone will be talking about me- facebook, twitter, you name it. The rewards are many, of this attention you give me.

Photo Courtesy:

I’m like a model in front of a buyer who has hundreds of models to select from. One cut can make all the difference. However, unlike models, I don’t thrive on cuts but rather on hooks. A reporter threw me away because she couldn’t find a hook. I don’t blame her. Hooks are what describe my magical charms. Give me a few nice hooks and I’ll get the looks! If you want to know what a good hook is- answer yourself WHY the world needs to know about your story and WHAT? That is the best hook. Add to it, WHO? And when your reader is all hooked on, show her the path- how to get to you. Tell her: WHEN & WHERE.

The WHAT hook can be attached to my title and the WHY & WHO hook can be explained in the first few lines. I’ve a desire to win my buyers and I can be successful if you are grooming me well enough.  Did you add the interesting quotes from impressive people that matter to the readers, third party endorsements and unique information in my body? Lastly, make sure you don’t forget to invite the reader to the event or check out additional resources.

I can be successful, and I want to be successful- be published, telecast, adorn every facebook page and become the talk of the town, only if you let me be! 

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